More on "In Organic We Trust"

February 10

An observant cynic once wrote, "Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket."

The organic food movement is certainly a great cause and it has definitely become big business. Now the only question is whether we will allow this well-intentioned movement, started by farmers who strived to be stewards of the land, to completely degenerate into a meaningless food trend.

The organic food crusade began as a grassroots movement for small-scale, locally sourced, sustainable agriculture. Most consumers still associate organic products with those values, and many are willing to pay a premium price for the assurance that their food is chemical-free and produced in an environmentally friendly manner.


The Campaign Begins

December 07

Three years in the making, IN ORGANIC WE TRUST is ready to throw on a top hat and head for the red carpet.  This doesn't just signify that you'll soon have the chance to see the film, but it also means that the outreach campaign is kicking off.  So get ready!


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